D4系列液压多路阀(D6-Sectional valves)
特别适用于挖掘机(最大 7 吨)、车载起重机、反铲装载机、高空作业平台、挖掘装载机、轮式装载机、后置式挖掘装置、压机、拉臂车、钻机、叉车、煤矿机械等。
It is especially suitable for excavators (up to 7 tons), truck-mounted cranes, backhoe loaders, aerial work platforms, backhoe loaders, wheel loaders, rear excavators, presses, boom trucks, drilling rigs, forklifts, coal mining machinery, etc.
片式阀,流量高达 80 L/min,额定压力为 350 bar,回路类型有并联、串联、串并联等。
Sectional valves with flow rates up to 80 L/min and pressure ratings of 350 bar are available in parallel, series, series-parallel, etc.
Sectional valves with flow rates up to 80 L/min and pressure ratings of 350 bar are available in parallel, series, series-parallel, etc.